SIE 1st Semester, Academic Year 2015-2016 Restudy Application Announcement



To whom it may concern,

   Application for restudy of 1st semester, academic year 2015-2016 will be accepted within this week. More details are as follows:

I. Application criteria: (a) Students who failed in the final exams and also failed in the make-up exams. (b) Students who passed the exam but want to improve their credits.

II.Application time: From Oct.13, 2015 to Oct.16, 2015,

8:00-11:30AM and 2:00-5:30PM

III.Location: Room B315-1 (Jiangning campus) or

   Room107, Foreign Student Apartment (Wutai Campus)

IV.Application Procedures: Submit an application form Receive approval from Student Affair OfficeReceive approval from Teaching Affair Office and take a billgo to the financial department , submit the bill and pay for restudy according to the amount on the bill submit the receipt from the financial department to the Office of Teaching AffairsWait for the Office of Teaching Affairs to notify you of class arrangement.

V. Fees: Each subject cost 1500RMB.Students who have no attendance penalty will receive a 20discount , therefore they only need to pay 1200RMB for per subject.


1.     Form of learning: A separate class will not be arranged for any of the courses. Students are required to study and take exams with the corresponding batch.

2.     Please read the final exam schedule of 1st semester, academic year 2015-2016 in advance. Make sure that no time conflict exists between restudy courses and prearranged courses. If there is a time conflict, the prearranged courses take priority. In this case, do not apply for the restudy courses with the time conflict, instead, apply for the course at the next opportunity.

Contact: Mancy 86868138


                                                                                         Office of Teaching Affairs

                                                                                                     Oct.13, 2015

Application Form for Restudy.xls
